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Corvee Celebrates One-Year Anniversary

Corvee, a software and solutions company serving tax and accounting firms, celebrates the company’s one-year anniversary since launching the first-of-its-kind tax planning software aimed at giving tax professionals the ability to formulate a tax ...

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Corvee, a software and solutions company serving tax and accounting firms, celebrates the company’s one-year anniversary since launching the first-of-its-kind tax planning software aimed at giving tax professionals the ability to formulate a tax savings calculation, develop a proactive and strategic tax plan and be the trusted advisor clients need.

“We are thankful for the thousands of accountants that have trusted Corvee Tax Planning software to grow and transform their business,” states Andrew Argue, CEO and co-founder of Corvee. “Our tax planning software provides an opportunity for firms to add tax planning services to their client offering without spending countless hours on education, training or research. The product has been widely implemented, and we are thrilled with the response we are getting from our customers. Corvee Tax Planning software is a great way for firms to add a much-needed service to their offering while increasing their firm’s revenue and becoming a trusted advisor for their clients. We are thrilled with the results we have seen to-date, and we can’t wait to bring this offering to more firms in the future.”

Since launching in 2020, the company has experienced the following milestones:

In addition, company experts regularly offer webinars and contribute thought leadership articles to industry publications geared to educating tax professionals on how they can add tax planning to their portfolio.

For more information on Corvee, visit